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Electric meters close up

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) 2.0

The next generation smart meters, AMI 2.0, feature software and intelligence to measure and analyze the grid and allow for real-time data sharing between the utilities and their customers. This enables utilities to become active partners in energy management while customers can use the insights to reduce their carbon footprint. Alectra is researching advanced analytics that will help improve reliability and efficiency, and develop enhanced and more personalized services with the new data provided by this advanced technology.

Electric Vehicles Charging

Enabling Access to Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure

Access to the public EV charging infrastructure is a key step to enable widespread EV adoption. Alectra has been investing in EV charging infrastructure to improve public access to charging. The Smart Cities team is engaged in developing a plan for deploying infrastructure at various Alectra offices to serve the employees, the general public, and Alectra’s fleet. The team also supports Alectra Energy Services in strategically deploying and managing EV charging infrastructure at community facilities and in delivering incentives to support customers with charging infrastructure at their businesses. The Smart Cities team also supports Alectra’s distribution planning by informing the forecasts of the impact of EV adoption on system capacity requirements.

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