Mississauga, ON – Alectra Utilities is reminding customers of temporarily discounted electricity rates, the newly launched Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program, and expanded eligibility for the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP).
Off-peak electricity rates:
Effective today and through February 7, 2022, the provincial government announced that electricity prices will be set at the off-peak price of 8.2 cents per kilowatt-hour, 24 hours per day for all regulated price plan customers. The off-peak rate will apply automatically to residential, small businesses and farms who pay Time-of-Use or Tiered prices set by the Ontario Energy Board.
The intention of this rate relief is to support families, workers, and small businesses who are spending more time at home during the modified ‘Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen’.
Ontario Business Costs Rebate Program
Effective today, the Ontario Business Costs Rebate program will be available to eligible businesses that are required to close or reduce capacity due to the modified Step Two of the Roadmap to Reopen. Businesses will receive rebate payments for a portion of the property tax and energy costs they incur while subject to these measures. Eligible businesses required to reduce capacity to 50 per cent, such as smaller retail stores, will receive a rebate payment equivalent to 50 per cent of their costs, while businesses required to close for indoor activities, such as restaurants and gyms, will receive a rebate payment equivalent to 100 per cent of their costs.
For more information, please visit https://Ontario.ca/COVIDsupport.
Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP):
To further support customers through the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) temporarily increased the flexibility of the Low-income Energy Assistance Program – Emergency Financial Assistance (LEAP EFA). In addition, the maximum value of grant amounts has been increased to ensure that low-income customers with higher-than-average arrears are given the opportunity to receive assistance to the greatest degree possible.
Due to higher-than-normal arrears customers are facing in 2022, Alectra will have additional flexibility in determining the appropriate grant amount to a maximum of $1,000 ($1,200 for consumers with electrically heated premises).
For more information, please visit https://alectrautilities.com/payment-assistance
About Alectra’s Family of Companies
Serving more than one million homes and businesses in Ontario’s Greater Golden Horseshoe area, Alectra Utilities is now the largest municipally-owned electric utility in Canada, based on the total number of customers served. We contribute to the economic growth and vibrancy of the 17 communities we serve by investing in essential energy infrastructure, delivering a safe and reliable supply of electricity, and providing innovative energy solutions.
Our mission is to be an energy ally, helping our customers and the communities we serve to discover the possibilities of tomorrow’s energy future.
Media Contact:
Ashley Trgachef, Media Spokesperson
ashley.trgachef@alectrautilities.com | Telephone: 416.402.5469 | 24/7 Media Line: 1.833.MEDIALN